Simplify the shopping experience with simplified in-store identification

When a customer approaches a POS or in-store MPOS solution, our solution triggers a push notification on the customer’s smartphone to automatically retrieve the loyalty card, coupon or web order.

Automated in-store identification

  • Automatic pre-opening of the card on the customer’s phone in store
  • Card reading integrated into your in-store payment terminals using QR code or NFC

These tools allow you to optimize your in-store services:

  • Speed up payment
  • Increase the identification rate & customer knowledge
  • Improve customer experience and satisfaction

Notify customers near your stores

Boost your in-store traffic when customers pass near a point of sale by displaying geolocated notifications.

While respecting their privacy. For example, you can invite them to:

  • Discover a new collection
  • Take advantage of promotional offers
  • Use active vouchers
  • Collect points
  • Report your presence
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